LESSON 15 SUMMARY - Scale, Bearings & Using Trigonometry

Scale drawing is the process of drawing a complete diagram on paper with a certain scale. Bearing is a concept related to finding the direction of certain points. Right-angled triangles have three sides and can be used to solve various questions. Trigonometry involves the six trigonometric ratios (sinα, cosα, tanα, cosecα, secα, and cotα), which can be used to solve different types of problems. Angles can be converted into equivalent angles using inverse of trigonometric functions. The sine law and cosine law can be used to calculate angles and sides based on the graphs of the sine, cosine, and tangent functions. The area of triangles that are not right-angled can be found using trigonometry as well with the help of similar techniques. Finally, trigonometry can also be used to calculate the sides and angles of three-dimensional objects.

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